The Womacks grew up in the same small town of Danville, Virginia. They were two years apart in school, but their families went to the same church. Sydney was dating one of David’s best friends, and while her boyfriend was away, she was invited to a party at David’s house. They never looked back and fortunately remain great friends with the old boyfriend. He even caught the garter at their wedding!

David majored in English at the University of Virginia, and Sydney graduated from Carolina in Chapel Hill with a degree in education two years later. They married shortly after college and moved to Greenville in 1972. Sydney focused on family, eventually raising their two children, son Brad and daughter Kathryn.

David’s dad was a serial entrepreneur who was involved in many business ventures, including electronics, computers, socks, newspapers, and more. But his core business was an electrical supply company, Womack Electrical Supply. When David and Sydney moved to Greenville, David’s father identified it as a good growth area to open the third branch of the company.

They focused on excellent customer service and always doing the right thing, which led to exceptional growth. However, the big boost to the business was their strategy around logistics. They built a central warehouse and distribution center which allowed them to receive orders during the day, fulfill them overnight, and deliver to any branch the following day. This timely and reliable service was a massive differentiator, leading to excellent customer retention.

The thriving business grew to 17 branches, and David and his brother sold it to a national chain in 2017. While walking away from the business was somewhat difficult, he felt the stars lined up, and the time was right. It was a real feather in his cap that the company’s brand and reputation were so influential in the region that the national chain kept the name Womack Electrical Supply instead of using the national brand.

David and Sydney have loved living in Greenville since 1972 and find the community to be as warm and welcoming as when they moved here. From the intellectual aspects of the college community to the excellent medical resources, they’ve been happy to stay put.

Since selling the business in 2017, David has been active on local non-profit boards including the Boys & Girls Club and the North Carolina Land & Water Trust Fund. He also goes golfing twice a week. Sydney loved playing tennis for many years, but her knees aren’t as cooperative as they once were. However, she is very active in her book club and garden club.

David and Sydney have enjoyed doing Pilates together since Michelle Hunt, Dave’s wife, opened the Absolute Studio. In fact, that’s how they met Dave and became clients of Milestone Wealth!

In addition to cuddling their cocker spaniel, Lucky, the Womacks enjoy doting on their grandchildren. Their grandson, Danner, is starting college this year, and their granddaughter, Tellie, is enjoying high school.

Something the Womacks have done consistently throughout their lives is travel. They’ve visited over 50 countries, naming New Zealand and Switzerland among their favorites. From sitting next to a silverback gorilla in Rwanda to riding mules down to the floor of the Grand Canyon with their grandson on his 12th birthday, they’ve made a lifetime of memories together.

They look forward to visiting Croatia in the fall and are beginning to explore cruises as a more accessible mode of transportation rather than hiking trips. They still have plenty of adventures ahead of them!

“We enjoy working with Dave, as he is very knowledgeable and easy to discuss finances with,” said David. “He also has excellent support in the office as well as the resources and expertise of Raymond James, which is an excellent combination.”

We’ve thoroughly enjoyed having David and Sydney as clients, and we are thrilled to have them as part of the Milestone Wealth family.